
Window Information

Below you will find some common window types we encounter regularly. To offer as fast a turnaround as possible when it comes to providing you with a window cleaning proposal, we've created this page to help you count your window panels. At the bottom of the page you will see we have created an example of how we add all the information up.


Jenny is on the phone to Brooke from Spark as she can't stand the thought of cleaning her windows ever again. Brooke assures Jenny that we'll be able to provide a detailed proposal today if she can help us with a little window counting. Jenny has the following windows:

10 X

sliding window

with a flyscreen on each

1 X

sliding doors

with no screens

2 X

double hung window

with a flyscreen on each

4 banks of 18 louvres similar to 


with a flyscreen on each

Brooke quickly enters the information into our system whilst on the phone with Jenny and the tally looks like this:

  • 24 regular panels
  • 6 large panels
  • 72 louvres
  • 28 tracks
  • 16 screens

Now that she has the information, Brooke is able to create 3 different packages which she can offer to Jenny. An email is sent out to Jenny almost immediately with the different prices as well as our company's public liability insurance certificate and any other appropriate documentation relevant to the job, such as height safety certificates.

Jenny has all the information she needs now to decide from the packages below, which one is right for her and her home. If you're ready to try an over the phone proposal like Jenny, call 07 42434244 or text "CALL ME" to 0420213145 now for a call back from Spark.

window cleaning quote

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